Friday, March 6, 2009


Hey. TOday's just another day in Antigua. I had class in the morning and then went home and did a bit of homework before lunch and after. THen around 3 I went walking around town with the Todds, a couple who's going to be with NLCH for 2.5 years, so they are going to school for 6 months. We went to a little whole in the wall market type thing and picked up a few things and then we went to POPS icecream and each had one of their specials (one scoop of vanilla and 1 scoop each of strawberry, pineapple, and mango sherbet, topped with sliced bananas and other fruit). All for Q10 or $1.26. Then we went to the lavandaria to pick up their laundry. Oh yeah, I signed up yesterday to climb up Volcan Acatenango on sunday. So that should be sweet. Its about 13000ft high. I'm planning on just hanging out tomorrow and finishing homwork. Monday, I'm planning on hiking up Pacaya on Monday with a Canadian dude from the school I'm at. Anyways, thats pretty much all for now, so I will see you later.

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