Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hangout with Mission Group from Lubbock, TX

Today I had class like normal. We worked on conditional tense and imperative, which is a tense that signifies commands, suggestions and advice. Afterward I went to MonoLoco for lunch with the Todds and a short term mission group from Lubbock, TX that has been at NLCH since saturday and took the day to go around Antigua. After lunch we went to the really nice market to do some wheelin' and dealin'. It was pretty fun, I walked around with 4 of the guys in the group (high schoolers) and helped them with tranlation at each tienda. I tought them a bit about bargaining, which often involves walking away when they don't give you the price you ask for. It was a good time. Because of this hang out time with the group today, I switched my Pacaya climb to tomorrow. That will be rad, I'm excited. That's all for today. Here's a photo of the meal I split with Marilyn and Tommy.


  1. Hey Dave,

    It was nice to talk with you today. Keep it up on the blog here.

    - Chris, Julie, Grandma and Grandpa

  2. Ya that was fun talking to ya'll (i've been around a ton of Texans, so ya'll is making its way into my vocab). Hopefully we'll talk again next sunday.

  3. Just practicing. Chris showed us how to post the blog so we can respond this way, too. So many ways to keep connected!

    Anyway, we love you, miss you but hope you are having a great experience. I want to roast marshmallows over a lava flow!

    Love, Grandma
