Sunday, March 8, 2009

Hey everyone. Today was a nice relaxing day. I went to church at La Iglesia del Camino ('Church of The Way') with the Todds. This place is pretty cool, they do the sermon and worship in English and Spanish. They sing one verse in English and the next in Spanish and they always have the lyrics for both languages up so if you choose to sing one or the other the whole time, you can do that. I decided to sing each verse in the language they were singing in, it was kinda fun. The sermon is given by the Pastor, Mike, speaking it in English (he speaks spanish too) and every couple sentences, the translator standing next to him would was sure a lot of work for my brain but it was fun, and a great way to help improve my spanish. I'm still not doing so great in speaking spanish, except with my professor at the school, but I understand pretty much most stuff that most people say to me. I'll hopefully get to a point by the end of schooling here in Antigua where I can speak with and understand anyone I talk with, that way I'll be able to communicate with the kids at NLCH a bit better. After the sermon I met an MD from Canada named Jeff and his wife Bonnie. They are down here with their 4 kids for 3.5 months or so, helping to get a clinic running in a little pueblo up the hill from Antigua.

We went to breakfast before church at Cafe Candesa, I had pancakes. Then we went to lunch at El MonoLoco (literally 'Crazy monkey' they call it Funky Monkey). I had a wicked good wrap there. Then I went home for a bit and napped. I walked around town a bit with Tommy today and saw another procession for Lent. There were sawdust rugs out in the streets again. Now I'm here at the Todds writing this.

I'm going to post some pics from the trip that I've already described in the blog, so you may have to go back and look at old posts and the photos will now be there. Anyways, see you next time!

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