Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hello. So I am finally back at the home, after a good three weeks at language school in Antigua I can finally start to make a dent in my speaking abilities. I've been pretty frustrated about the whole spanish speaking thing, because I've been learning and learning and learning, but with minimal speaking to suppliment it all, my brain has pretty much got a grammar traffic jam (9 tenses) everytime I try to speak even simple present tense and some past tense. I've been getting more and more agitated about my inability, but today, actually got to do a decent amount of talking with some of the kids.
I arrived here around 9:45 and not too long after getting all my stuff set out where it belongs I joined in a water fight with some kids and two other short term missionaries, then I took a nap for about an hour. After my nap I decided to go hang out with the younger boys (they are generally the easiest to get to know and the most patient with bad spanish speakers). So I played UNO with Javier, Hans, David, Sammy, and Giovanni for a while and then wrestled around/had a pillow fight with them for half an hour or so and then went back to the other property where my living area is. I hung out with Amy and Erin (the short termers) and Lee for a bit and then went back to the other side to have dinner. I hung out with the girls and Salomon (one of the older boys) for a bit, pretty much not talking, just listening...I'm not comfortable yet speaking Espan~ol in groups (by the way, I could use a lot of prayer in general but especially for the ability to speak to these kids). Then we ate dinner with the older boys, again I just listened the whole time. I've been frustrated a lot of today since I had trouble manning up and just talking. Oh well.
So after dinner I was sitting listening some more, with just the two girls there, and Edgar and Rony still at the table, and finally, after they left I had a decent conversation with someone. Rony asked me why, after I've been to language school, was I not talking at the thorn in my side ended up being the topic which started my first conversation. So I talked with Rony (14 yrs?) for 20 mins or so about medicine. I was surprised to see that he actually struck up the conversation, it was really cool. I know all this probably sounds wierd, about my frustration and inability to just go out on a limb and talk, but believe it or not, it's actually been really frustrating that I've been such a wuss. So anyways, we talked about how he wants to be a surgeon, and the system in Guatemala (it's mostly government run), and things that Rony has gotten to see in the clinic here (like last year when a guy came in with wooden shrapnel in his gut from an explosion), and also my plans for med school and after. We also talked about his schooling right now and what he's learning in science class...this made me more excited to begin tutoring math and science (hopefully I'm able to help him). Anyways, so that was just a bit ago, and now it's about 8:00 and I'm writing this.

Oh yeah, I've been pretty tired this week and also, today and thursday I have generally just felt crappy...apparently my body is still getting over the explosive sickness I had the other night. I finished my antibiotics today, Praise The Lord! This drug that I've taken once a day for this amoeba or whatever I had, has given me a constant bitter taste on the back of my tongue. Much of the time for the past week, I have had the taste of bile (puke taste) on my tongue.
It's really wierd because it's not my tongue actually sensing the taste, it's just my brain telling me that my tongue is sensing it, so nothing I have done (mint, brush teeth, drink water) has helped get rid of the taste...aahhh, good times. Also, every sip of water I take, I can taste every impurity in it clear as day...not to mention that I can taste the air (and the air is extra polluted here so it's like chewing on dirt or the bottom of a shoe...yumm).
Just so you all know, I'm not sitting here angry about all this, venting to you...I just find all this interesting and wierd, so I thought I'd pass it along.
Again, as I mentioned in a previous post, I really enjoy reading any comments you guys put up, so please keep commenting. It's strange how much little things from home, like those comments, fuel me whenever I read them. Okay, well I'm gonna go read and then go to bed, and then it's off the the megachurch (12,000 people) in the morning! Have a great night.


  1. Hola, David...We are enjoying your interesting, graphic posts. Life is so exciting in Guatemala! Meanwhile back here, life goes on as usual, except tomorrow (March 24) your Dad and I and Chris are going to Preston to meet an unlimited hydroplane driver (Kip Brown) Chris wrote about. We'll also see his big, bad boat, the U-17 Red Dot Special. Should be fun. We all had lunch at Chris and Julie's Sunday after church. Homemade chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese and turkey sandwiches. Very tasty. Creekside is coming right along, looking more like a swank, new place all the time. They were carpeting the sanctuary today (March 23), and waxing the cafe floor. They're building a nice, big boat for the kids to play on in that open space between the sanctuary and the building. Looks to me like it'll resemble a Spanish galleon. Don Ross told us today his job is to supply the anchor and "steering wheel." By the way, Jenny LaFavor has stage 1 uterine cancer and
    is having surgery Thursday (March 26). Grandma and I continue to pray for your safety and good health, and are praying really, really hard that you have a really big breakthrough in conversational Spanish soon. Love and Hugs and Prayers...Gramps

  2. Hi Dave...

    I really enjoy reading about your snsational body, and all its adventures. So it sounds like you are about to get over your nervousness, and have a language explosion. I'm sure you'll be conversational in no time.

    We had our second practice service in Creekside's new building. it was fun. Steph and I had everyone write out prayers on rice paper, and we set them in wax. The church loved it, and it looks cool too.

    I am keeping you in my prayers.

  3. David, I think you are very talented and will soon be having debates with the young spanish speakers about politics, religion, and universal health care.

  4. sorry moo, i accidentally posted with my parents name, but that message was from my heart.

  5. Just wanted to say that we will miss you at Grandpa Miller's party today. Mom is wearing herself out working on the food but we know it will be wonderful, just as it always is. Hopefully you are feeling better and the language problems are smoothing out. I know that you are very conscientious about it so you will be successful.

    We pray every day for your well being. Wish you could be here to meet all of the relatives who are interested in what you are doing there.

    Grandpa is going to have ear surgery soon and the doctor went to Loma Linda. Did we tell you that already?

    Anyway, stay safe...God bless you.

    Love, Grandma

  6. you mean Gramps? or Miller? Nope, I didn´t know that.
