Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wednesday Fun

Rug in La Merced Catedral

Above, is the main drag just a couple blocks from my house.

First of all, I forgot to mention last time, that there apparently was a tremor (temblor) of 5.2 magnitude around midnight Monday night. Somehow, I did not get woken up by it, but the others in my house said it was pretty cool. Today was interesting. My class today consisted of me and Lucia talking about the different Mayan people groups and languages, local guerrilla warfare, government corruption, and differences between/problems in the Catholic and Protestant churches. It was a difficult discussion much of the time since my vocab doesn't quite stretch into deep theological topics, or terms of warfare. It was good though. Then I ate lunch and talked with Carolina the house mom for a bit. Next I went out and booked a trip up Volcan Pacaya for tomorrow afternoon/evening. You should look it up. It's got flowing lava that we will get right up next to, we may even roast marshmallows over the lava at sunset...I will let you know.

This is a view of the sunset while walking back to the house, a couple blocks away.

Then some other stuff probably happened that doesn't matter enough for me to write about it. Just a bit ago I was walking back to the house with Tommy and I stopped at a little tienda (snack type store) for a sport drink. I bought the only cold Revive (Ray-Vee-Vay -- a local gatorade type drink), only to find after I left, that the lid was not sealed and there was some liquid missing. One of many peculiar things about this place...oh well. then we walked home and here I am at the Todd's place mooching their computer.

This is the Arch (El Arco is what they call it) with Agua behind it.

I've posted some random pics from yesterday and today. The rug is in La Merced Catedral (Cathedral), the same place where that purple Jesus rug was at. Other photos are just around town...if I post the mountain photo, that is Volcan Agua, which is around 12000ft or so. See you next time! Oh, don't hesitate to comment on any's nice to hear from people, it gives me something to do.

This is MariaJimena, the daughter of the son and daughter-in-law that live in the house. She's in here little swinging bed/crib.
This is a church that Tommy and I saw on our walk today to the north edge of town...I don't know why this text turned blue and underlined...whatever.

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