Monday, May 11, 2009

Lake Atitlan

So this weekend we had the intern retreat at Lake Atitlan. It was me, Lindsey (other intern), Lee & Staci, and the Wheelers (Kendon, Wendy, Ian and Michelle). We left Friday afternoon and got in around 5 and then spent two nights there, just hanging out and relaxing and playing a lot of croquet. Saturday Lee, Lyndsey and I went kayaking out on the lake and found a sweet spot on the shore a ways away from the house, where we paddled to and the pulled our kayaks up on the rocks and did a bit of cliff jumping (nothing over 15ft). That was rad, but unfortunatly Lee lost his wedding ring...that sucked. After that we went out to lunch where we were hounded by venders like crazy. This town (Panajachel) was much worse in that regard than all the other places I´ve been to. People would actually come up to our table and stand there occasionally offering their product for us to buy. After several times saying NO, they would stand there silent for a minute or two and then finally leave. There were actually other tables that had a free chair, and I actually saw a vender sitting in it while the people ate...clearly trying to get them to buy things. Wierd. Anyway, it was a really nice getaway. The photos are of the lake, with its several surrounding volcanoes and also some of Michelle.

In the group photo, from right to left is, Kendon and Wendy Wheeler with little Michelle, me, Lyndsey, Lee and Staci. Michelle is one of the home kids but the Wheelers have her indefinately until she´s ready to live with the other kids. She´s turning two this saturday but since she´s a dwarf, she will be in their house for quite a while longer than the normal 3yr old cut off.

In this group photo,

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