Monday, May 4, 2009


Hey all here are a few photos of playing at the home and also some other stuff.
Left is Nancy (13) and Iris (10), middle is Solomon (15), Astrid (19), me (23), Angie (11?), Nancy, Brenda (14), and the one behind me is Karla (13) on the right is a pan of the original property, the light green building is the school, then trees, then the outdoor gym, then an older building with storage and also a couple apartments that a couple of the college boys live in.

Upper left is a photo taken from the third story of the school looking down at the prayer garden on the left and the Wheeler´s house. Upper middle is a photo from the third floor looking at the roof of the gym and at the huge squater village on the hill in the background. THe other pan is of the new property where almost everyone livesñ in the middle left is the view of the end of the boys house, then on the other side is the building where a bunch of the 2 year plus missionaries live and the to the right in the background is the girls house, on the far right is the construction for the Wheeler´s new home...coming along slowly and sometimes not at all. It turns out that the layout of the photos on this page I´m producing the post on and the page that it´s actually shown on, is totally hopefully you can just take my photo descriptions and match them to the correct ones.

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