Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It was a theme this past week in Nebaj, that everyone we came in contact with was absolutely enfatuated with not only our cameras but with us (since most of them had never previously seen a camera or a white human...most had also never seen themselves before since most of the people out there have no mirrors in their homes).
This church is in a little town that has never had gringos (white people) come in and help like this before. It's called Ojo de Agua which means Eye of Water. All the photos below up until and including the video are from this project. The video was taken when we were leaving and the kids were chasing after the bus.

This blue building is the church itself, the bus was ours for transportation and all these kids were kids that were just hanging around while we worked...occastionally we were able to take photos and then get mobbed while showing the photos to the kids. The photo with the building on the left and the worksite to the center and right is showing what we did pretty much the whole week...that is, cutting, bending and tying rebar into columns and footers, and then hand mixing, hand transporting (via buckets), and then hand pouring the footers into place.

This is a sweet water fall that we hiked to after working in Ojo de Agua.

Below are more pics of kids and such. Also there is one with me and the three guys that helped us throughout the week. Domingo was the 'forman', Andres is a pastor and a guy who often works with Domingo, and Francisco is a pastor and traveling evangelist (in his case this means that he hikes alone to surrounding villages sometimes up to 8 hrs away, spreading the gospel in places that have never received the gospel). These guys all speak spanish and Ixil (a local mayan language, which is e
veryone's first language around those parts), and Domingo also speaks Quiche, another mayan language.
This was a rest stop we took...kinda a cool rapids/falls. Above is a prayer circle with all us gringos and the guys we worked with in Chajul (I think).


  1. Mayne what up? I know you already know this, but just in case (I have a friend named Justin Case) you forgot...you are so lucky to be down there doing what you are doing. I'm so yealous moon. So are you ready to come home yet? Or do you just want certain things from home sent to you like...your bed, Red Robin, Three Fingers, your laptop with the Notebook, and your suspender? How's the money situation going? Are you going to have enough, or do I need to have Tom and Kelly wire you down some money from their Swiss bank account at BECU?

    LATA!!! ryan

  2. Haha oh mayne. I agree...lucky to be here...mayne I can´t wait to tell you more about Nebaj and all that up there...that definately helped me make the MOST of the my time down here. I´m getting more ready to come home for sure. Now I´m having to work on making the most of my last couple weeks here cuz I´m ready to come home. Ya money is okay...I´m not really going to be spending any more of it, so I´m good. Ya I miss people more than stuff and places. Ya I´ll have to ease back into the US with a nice laptop viewing of the notebook haha.

  3. Hey Davo!!! Sounds like a great, fulfilling adventure there. Julie and I hope all is well and that you feel the calling stronger and stronger. We can't wait to see you — we'll take you to Red Robin (in addition to going there the night you get home).

  4. Haha. Sweet, so are you going to the airport with mom dad and rc then or what? SOunds good bro. Later.

  5. broseph your phone cut out while you were talking. can you give me the day and time i should meet at your parents for the pickup? send it on faithbook, just let me know the week of. LAAAATAAAA!!!

    Hello to Hubersizer

  6. We might go with mom and dad, but either way, we'll see you very soon after, mayne.
