Tuesday, April 14, 2009

To the left is the after shot of that house I helped with a month or so ago and down to the left is the before shot. I accidentally added this volcanoe shot below and cannot seem to delete it. I´m going to post more photos on a photo only post in a couple minutes.

Hola. So, it´s been a while since I wrote ya´ll so I´m not sure where to begin...Bueno, last week was ´Semana Santa´ or ´Holy Week,´ which is a big deal here (even though the actual resurrection isn´t too big...wierd), so the kids had the week off. SO, the week was spent hanging out, playing games, having water fights etc. We went to a water park last Tuesday, where, although I had on SPF 50 and applied it multiple times, I got completely thrashed by the sun. So, I´m still peeling from that. It was worth it though, that was a wicked good time. Wed thru Fri we had game days, with the kids split up into 4 teams and each with their own color, name, cheer, flag, etc. Wednesday was rally day, which means something that I still haven´t quite figured out, but there was a timed obstacle course, 3 legged soccer, and others. The next day was food day, so all the games were food related. So, we had a cake decorating relay where one kid would run to the table where there was a cake, frosting and sprinkles and other toppings, and they had to decorate with a clown theme. Each kid had 20 seconds and then they´d run back and tag a teammate. THere were others too. Friday was water day, so all the games, had water or water baloons involved. One game was water balloon volley ball where each team had a bed sheet to serve and catch the balloons (like the fire departments used to save people from burning buildings in old movies), and there were sheets over the net so they couldn´t see where the other team would volley the balloon. THat was fun.

I´m finally over my sickness now, I just got done with my Cipro. I´m getting back into the routine of clinic time in the mornings and tutor time for a couple or 3 hrs after lunch. We got a new intern a week ago sunday, she´s at school now in Antigua for 2 weeks. Another couple people associated with NLCH came here for Holy week and have now gone back to where they live elsewhere in Guate. So now it´s just me, which is kinda nice. I can read every day now, and study spanish every day...I like it. It was nice having the team and then those other three people around though. We didn´t go to church on Sunday, b-c even the evangelical churches here don´t have a special easter service...they did their special service on Palm Sunday. So, we had a short little service here at the home, with the director preaching, and then we ate breakfast together in the lunch room while watching Prince Caspian (in spanish of course). Sunday night I went with Lee and Staci (my supervisor people) to Antigua to take Lindsey the new intern to school. We brought four of the ´kids´ of the home (they´re all my age or older), since they helped with the game week, the Jarvis´ thought it´d be fun for them if they went to Antigua. That was fun. Yesterday and today have been pretty standard...clinic, study, read, lunch, tutor, hang out, dinner, hang out, read, sleep. I went running today, which was fun. Even though I´ve been here for seven weeks now, the 4300ft altitude still gets me a little bit when I run...I don´t feel much more tired, but I notice the difference in my times.


  1. Good to hear from you again, David. We're happy that you are feeling well, finally. You were missed at our Easter dinner table. The service at church was awesome. We had standing room only. It is very beautiful. Grandpa will send you some pictures via email soon. We're going now to get a vaccination for Shingles. Fun!

    Thanks for sharing your life and the pictures.

    Love, Grandma

  2. David, did you get my last comment? It didn't seem to work but the note on the bottom of this page says "Your comment was published". Let us know if you got it.

    Love, Grandma

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