Saturday, April 4, 2009

Flowing Like a River

Hello all, I'm sick again...Yay!  So this week has been great actually, but I have apparently not kicked the bug I had before.  I did my usual clinic stuff, nothing really interesting this week, and tutoring, normal too.  I went to Antigua with the team that was here from Orlando, that was fun.  They just left today, so now i'll have lots of alone time...maybe too much.  Staci told me that after teams leave they have their two 'sad days' and then things are back to normal.  Generally things are on a high, as they were this week with this team, so after they leave things slow down and are a bit sad I guess.  It'll be good and bad I guess...I will get more reading time and such, but it was really a great time meeting all the people of that group and just sharing my experiences with them as well as hearing some of their stories.  And it's fun to see how nuts a lot of the kids go for these people.  I had an exciting night last puke though, I'm sorry!  I did have diarrhea 8 times though, so that was fun, and as the title of this entry suggests, I was flowing like a river (I'll remind you that it's called butt pee).  So I started on Ciprofloxacin again today...hopefully this ten days' worth will actually kick the bug from my body, we'll see.  Anyway that's all for now, see ya!


  1. Hey bro,

    Hope to hear from you soon, through blog or phone. Sorry you're sick again, hope it's over by now.

  2. Yup, all over. I´m at the tail end of my antibiotics so I´m pretty much 100%, it´s just a matter now of getting every last bacterium out of my body.
