Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Left is one of the teams before the first games.

This is one of the teams lined up before the first games began on Wednesday.

Sorry, I really didn´t take a whole lot of photos of games b-c I was busy doing lots of other stuff.
Here is Edgar, getting his clothes stuffed with balloons...the team with the most balloons stuffed in the individual´s clothing was the winner. Well, that´s all folks, see ya.


  1. what up moo? when do you come home? i'm glad you make sure to let us know, in detail, you bowel issues. i remember staying up all night in jackson hole with butt pee...fun times. a good way to lose weight though

  2. ya mayne. Oh yeah I forgot about that...good times mung.
    May 23rd is when I come home.
